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What Is A Wedding Planner?

ماريا December 21, 2022


What Is A Wedding Planner?

A wedding planner is the person responsible for helping clients plan their wedding from start to finish or specific wedding activities. Your wedding planner is like your best friend when it comes to your wedding. They’ll also be like your fairy godmother when it comes to your celebration.

What Is the Task of a Wedding Planner?

What Is A Wedding Planner?

Photo credit  | Keebradshaw.com

The main function of a wedding planner is to plan, design and execute all aspects related to the wedding. They are in charge of listening to the client, understanding her needs. And vision about the wedding, creating a budget. And negotiating contracts with the suppliers that best suit the bride and groom’s budget.

The wedding logistics are also in their hands, they will assemble and disassemble the plan for each provider. Create optimal timing and make sure that the wedding day activities run smoothly. Any unforeseen events that may arise from the wedding, the wedding planner will solve it without the couple or guests noticing.

Services of A Wedding Planner

What Is A Wedding Planner?

Today the services of a wedding planner are many, but without a doubt we highlight the most common. Advice, creation of budget, search for venues and suitable suppliers, styling of the couple. Organizing and accompanying the menu taste, makeup and hairdresser trials.

The wedding planner is the person who accompanies and guides the bride. And groom during the months prior to the wedding, often up to two years in advance. Thanks to her experience in the sector, she knows how to minimize time. Where to start, create a payment schedule, and keep the bride and groom on top of it.

They also offer partial wedding planning or coordination only on the wedding day depending a little on the needs of the couples.

How Much Does A Wedding Planner Charge?

What Is A Wedding Planner?

It should be noted that each wedding planning company is different and specialized in different areas. Some prioritize more design and styling, while others are specialized in Asian weddings with more than 300, 400 guests. Others offer only coordination on the day of the wedding and others. They offer a comprehensive service of planning, execution, design and coordination of day B.

Normally, wedding planners charge based on their experience in the sector. But it is also true that it will depend a lot on the area in which they live. In some areas of Spain, a wedding planner can cost from €1,200 for a full wedding service, while if we talk about Madrid. Barcelona or Marbella, the price starts from € 1,800 to € 5,000, € 7,000 and much more.

The price of a coordination is between € 800 and € 1500, depending on the number of guests, distances, logistics. And if the wedding will be executed by one or more coordinators.

Why Should You Hire A Wedding Planner?

What Is A Wedding Planner?

Gender Neutral Wedding Planning Book Blush and Gold Invites via Etsy 33Photo credit  |  Etsy

When couples begin to organize their wedding, most of them do not know where to start. They often have not had any type of contact with this sector and although at first glance it may seem like an easy task. I assure you that it is more complex and stressful than it seems.

Today couples work and have very little time to research the market, find the optimal suppliers. The ideal venue that fits with their budget and many more tasks. That’s where a professional wedding planner comes in, they are easy to organize and hire. Here are five more reasons to hire a wedding planner:

  1. Because she is the person who advises and accompanies you throughout the entire process. You can discuss with her all your concerns and needs as she will be watching over you at all times.

2.Because he knows the sector, works with several suppliers and knows how to negotiate with them. He recommends the ones that best suit your  needs and budget

  1. It saves you time in management, logistics, unnecessary search for a multitude of suppliers. That do not adapt to your needs and that will only waste a lot of time.
  2. They are organized, know the venues and always have a plan B, C and D if necessary. Having the ability to resolve all unforeseen situations that may arise.

5.According to statistics, a couple that organizes their wedding without the help of a professional invests between 300-400 hours. Whereas a wedding planner can cut these times in half and this is due to their experience. And knowledge of the sector, therefore a wedding planner is certainly a profitable investment.

How to Choose Your Wedding Planner?

What Is A Wedding Planner?

Anastasiia  |  Marbella Wedding®

The responsibility of organizing a wedding is an emotional roller coaster for couples. Some days there will be with the stress of preparations, others full of happiness and so on. That is why it is important to have a person who understands you, to help you to carry out this process with tranquility and harmony.

All our couples experience these feelings, nobody better than a wedding planner to understand what you are going through. The task of choosing your perfect wedding planner will not be easy since each one has a different personality and way of working. Some couples choose the wedding planner according to their age, others pay more attention to the work they have done. And others are simply guided by recommendations from friends or family.

My advice is that you look for a person with whom you have a connection. This is quite an important point since there are many months of preparation and you have to feel very comfortable at all times.

That she be a professional of course, who knows how to listen and give optimal solutions to your doubts. Think that the wedding planner becomes your friend, confidant and has to fit in with your personality.

Types of Wedding Planners

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Photo credit  |  Foreverpress

The idea of a wedding planner was born in the United States approximately 50 years ago. Yes, yes 50 years, while in Spain it has been a few years, but it has come to stay and today it has become a need for many Spanish couples.

The term wedding planner is often confusing with “wedding coordinator”. And is important to note that there are different types of wedding planners, each one specializing in an area.

So, a wedding planner is a person who is dedicated to planning the wedding, searching for suppliers, creating timing and other aspects related to planning the event. A wedding coordinator is dedicated to coordinating the wedding day. She does not have to know about planning, design or styling of the venue.

A wedding designer or stylist is the person in charge of designing. Choosing the colour palette, suitable furniture and combining all the elements so that everything has harmony. Unlike the coordinator, she does not have to know planning. Her main task is to stylize the venue so that everything is perfectly combined.

Our Latest Wedding Planner Jobs

Marbella Wedding Dayana Ilker elopement wedding ID 136 copia 1
Wedding Planners I Organizadoras de boda www.marbella-wedding.com

Photo credit  |  Barbara Serrano Photography

In our latest works you can see different styles of weddings, each couple is unique and all our weddings are personalized. We are LGTB friendly and proud to celebrate love freely. Each couple is a unique story and they leave traces in our hearts. Take a look at our proposals and don’t forget that our designer can personalize every last detail in order to have an original wedding.

The Difference Between an Inhouse Wedding Coordinator and An External Wedding Planner

Without a doubt, an issue that always creates a lot of uncertainty. And couples have many doubts as to whether they need an external wedding planner. Or to continue with the one that the venue offers them for free. It’s time for the truth!

An internal wedding coordinator is a person who is specifically in charge of the details related to the venue. Although they make sure that the ceremony (in case of being symbolic). The reception and the catering are carried out as scheduled, they always work from the point of view of the place, not from yours.

On the other hand, keep an eye on the data, if for example you decide to have a religious ceremony. Keep in mind that the in-house coordinator will not take care of the reservation and documentation for the church. Coordinate your entry and exit, receive the guests and accompany them to their place. Decorate the benches with flowers, put the order of the mass.

She also does not coordinate the transportation from the church to the venue nor to the providers. That she has chosen on your own, organization of the pre or post-wedding. Her hours are from Monday to Friday from 9: 00- 17: 00 normally and outside of these hours. You cannot contact her even if you have an emergency.

A wedding planner external to the venue is responsible for the full organization of all aspects of the wedding. Plans, designs, coordinates the wedding from beginning to end. She creates the roadmap and is in contact with all the suppliers making sure. That they all arrive on time, executing their work in an impeccable manner.

She is in charge of reserving the church and informs you of the steps and necessary documentation. Registration of the marriage coordinates your entrance and exit from the church. Receives the guests, coordinates the buses and leaves the wedding generally after your first dance.

For any emergency she is available on weekends or evenings at night. Please note that this does not mean writing or calling during her sleep time. But if you have an emergency, she will be there to solve it.

Note: the external wedding planners work in synergy with the venue’s internal wedding planners. There is very good communication and complicity, after all, they both want your wedding to be spectacular. And without any inconvenience thus ensuring double peace of mind.

Wedding Planner Online Vs Physical Wedding Planner

What Is A Wedding Planner?

agata web compressed picture scaled 1Agata  |  Marbella Wedding®

The online service is perfect for those couples who want to plan their own wedding. But would benefit from the assistance of experts to find the perfect venue for their big day as well as define other important aspects.

It consists of online consultancies and mentoring since many times couples do not know where to start or perhaps. They are in the middle of the process, but they begin to have doubts and concerns. Keep in mind that this service is 100% online, which implies that on the wedding day. You will have to take care of the coordination of the suppliers and be aware of all the details.

It is very common to entrust certain aspects to the relatives and this in my opinion is a big mistake. Since they have a responsibility behind them and this prevents them from enjoying your celebration without worries. Not being used to dealing with suppliers, respecting the roadmap. This process can create stress and discomfort, therefore I recommend hiring a coordinator and leaving all the details in their hands.

On the other hand, a physical wedding planner is as the world defines it. Physically present from the beginning to the end of the wedding. His task is to cover absolutely all the details, he will be aware of you at all times. And in addition to all the suppliers taking care of all the unforeseen events. And perfectly coordinate the roadmap or the well-known timing.

They will answer all the questions and doubts that your guests may have without them bothering. You on the most important day of your life. They will also be responsible for paying those providers. That charge their services in cash and ensures that they fully comply with what was promised.

They’ll check all the elements of the decoration, the canapés of the cocktail without you or your family having to be aware of these aspects. Your only task will be to enjoy since I tell you from experience that the day flies by.

Tips and Tricks for Future Couples

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Photo credit   |   Photo-Fabmood.com

The wedding process can be stressful, I’m not going to lie to you, more than once you are going to have discussions about this. The nerves are on the surface because you’ll be expecting the presence of many people and we want everything to be perfect.

Although it sounds a bit selfish, my first advice is that you think of yourself, unfortunately it will be difficult to please all the guests. The reason is very simple, we are all different, we like certain colors, themes, food, decoration and an endless number of other differences, do not forget that the wedding is yours and therefore you have to feel identified.

So that no one can give you unwarranted comments on your wedding, a very good trick is to keep the chosen menu, color palette and more elements a secret. Just give a little hint with the paper invitations, but keep everything else is a surprise.

Another tip would be to hire a wedding planner or wedding coordinator for the day and thus forget about negotiations with suppliers, logistics, assembly and disassembly plans, etc. Do you also want a tip to choose the one that best suits your needs? Here it goes: she should be a simple person, passionate about her work. She should also be open and communicative and that you have the feeling that she is your confident friend.

Attention! Things You Should Not Ask Your Wedding Planner

lili planning wedding

Undoubtedly some quite interesting points to discuss, many the couples or relatives ask for things that are out of place and that all wedding planners should refuse to comply with.

  1. Deal with family problems.

It is very common for differences to appear, perhaps your mother does not like flowers, your aunt wants to help decorate, but your mother-in-law also wants to get involved. When so many people want to coordinate according to their criteria, things can get complicated and put the couple in a commitment.

Asking your wedding planner to fix these problems is not the solution, nor is it for family members to call them directly. Remember that the wedding planner service includes several hours of work that are exclusively dedicated to the wedding and not to family problems.

  1. Replace a DJ with a homemade pen drive

Many times, couples want to save the DJ fees, they think it is better to take a pen drive to the venue. They think that the wedding planner is aware of its operation and when it should play x song. The wedding planner is not a sound technician and has too many tasks to be in charge of the pen drive. She will not be responsible in case the songs are poorly ordered or just not working at the time.

  1. Work more hours than your contract stipulates

Keep in mind that a wedding planner has more couples to attend to and if you require more hours you will have to pay an extra price for it, just as if you ask the venue for one more plate of food, or that the photographer stays 2 more hours.

  1. Believe that the wedding planner is available 24/7

This is a fairly common mistake, although every time Couples understand that the wedding planner is a person and have their own life, as well as more couples to manage, suppliers, negotiations, etc. You can’t expect him to call you back at 1:30 in the morning or answer your WhatsApp at 4:30, they are hours of rest and you have to respect this.

  1. Be aware of the toilets

As unusual as it may seem, there are couples who ask their wedding planner to look at the toilets, replace the paper or fix the baskets with products. For this you have to hire cleaning staff since they are not tasks of a wedding planner, remember that she is present so that the planning, execution and coordination of the wedding is fulfilled.

If You Don’t Hire A Wedding Planner, Do This!

Gender Neutral Wedding Planning Book Blush and Gold Invites via Etsy 33 2

Have you decided to be your wedding planner and take care of all the organization and planning? Congratulations, it will be a challenge and not everyone is willing to try it.

The first thing you should do is research the market very well, set a budget and a guest list. Once you have in mind a budget for the entire wedding, start looking for venues. This task will take time since it is one of the most important steps. Once you have chosen the venue, start hiring the most important suppliers, such as the catering, photographer, florist.

I advise you to send an RSVP because you can’t make the guest list until you know the guests who will actually be able to attend your wedding. We estimate that you will have at least 20/30 fewer people and if it is a wedding destination it may be even more. So before printing the paper invitations it is good to have a more realistic number.

Make it very orderly, create payment calendars, save receipts and contracts for each supplier, define the color palette according to the venue and your personality, choose the decorations, specify the menu test, dress and suits, ladies’ dresses, makeup and hairdressing and establish meetings with suppliers.

Three or four months before, send the paper invitations, create the seating plan, make an appointment for the beauty treatments and try to rest as much as possible, the days before your wedding you will be anxious and it may be difficult for you to sleep.

If you are interested in this profession look at my post on how to be a wedding planner

Have you organized a friend’s wedding and have you loved the process? Or maybe you are getting married and you would like to be your own wedding planner but you do not have experience in the wedding sector? I invite you to try our wedding planner course with which you will achieve the knowledge you need in organizing events and thus dedicate yourself to this wonderful profession.

The contents of each topic are designed to help you plan step by step, create a roadmap, payment schedules, assembly and disassembly plans, inspirational mood boards, programs that make it easy for you to manage all the details.

There are also tips on how to attract more clients easily, how to charge for your wedding planner services and things to keep in mind when planning a national wedding or destination weddings.

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Fall in love with the process and the results will come. quote

Yokoi Kenji.

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